Executive vibrato as a method of pitch correction on the string-bowed instruments


  • Oksana Ovdeychuk




Vibrato, the duality of intervals, pitch, string-bowed instruments


Purpose of Article. The work aims to consider the specificity of method vibrato, analysis of its acoustic properties, conditions of use and expressive possibilities. The methodology of the study is determined by a comparative, functional and analytical method. The scientific novelty of the work expandi the accepted idea of the application of "vibrato. ” The relationship between the types of this device and certain acoustic norms proposed by P. Baranovsky is revealed. The influence of such factors as the phenomenon of "dualism of intervals,” the polytonality of the work, the direction of the melodic movement, the textural exposition, and the choice of the "technical” solution of the reception are considered. Conclusions. Conclusions are presented in the expansion of the accepted norms of "vibrato, ” the understanding of which makes it possible to impart to the string and bow instrument a high brightness and expressiveness.

Author Biography

Oksana Ovdeychuk

the artist of National President Orchestra


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