Ethnocultural mentality and spiritual culture of the Cossacks in the context of the Ukrainian baroque


  • Viktoriia Pishchanska



ethnic culture, mentality, Ukrainian Cossacks, spiritual culture, Ukrainian Baroque


Purpose of Article. The purpose of the study is to analyze the presence specifics of spiritual, religious, and ethnonational factors in the ideological content of the mental perspective, studying the issues of religious and aesthetic features of ethnic mentality, which influenced on the formation of the Cossack spiritual culture of the XVII-XVIII centuries. Methodology. The methodology of the research consists in the application of methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, as well as in the use of ideological and content, terminological, historical and cultural approaches. This handmade it possible to reveal the peculiarities of the Cossack mentality which represents the characterological type of thinking and sensibility of the Cossacks, forming a unique integrity of the Cossack spiritual life in the cultural space of the XVII-XVIII centuries. The scientific novelty is in the fact that in the national cultural studies, an attempt to identify the connections of the Ukrainian Baroque with the processes of creating of the specific forms of national existence, consciousness, as well as with Ukrainian ethnic mentality was made for the first time. It is described the phenomenon of the ethnic mentality, as a matrix of being and consciousness of the Cossack community in which the ethnopsychological peculiarities of the spiritual culture of the Ukrainian Cossacks originate, that is laid down at the genetic level. Conclusion. The cultural and historical context of the Ukrainian Baroque proved that the Cossacks managed to assimilate and synthesize the traditions of the Ukrainian ethnic mentality simultaneously, incarnating their content and functional integrity and vitality in their own spiritual experience. It is substantiated that from the point of view of the history of culture, philosophy and aesthetics of Baroque, the Ukrainian Cossacks became able to create the own spiritual and cultural sphere with the unique ethno mental emotional and psychological mood and the religious and aesthetic pathos of artistic creativity.

Author Biography

Viktoriia Pishchanska

PhD in Cultural Studies, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of Education Philosophy Department, Dnipropetrovsk Regional Institute of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education


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