
  • Natalia Pertsovа
  • Veronika Dorofieieva




folklore, song, choir, composer, vocal


The purpose of the article is to highlight the peculiarities of the choral works of Ukrainian composers and songwriters of the 50's and 70's of the XX century - I. Shamo, G. Mayboroda, P. Mayboroda, and O. Bilash. The methodology is to use the analytical, comparative and historical method. The scientific novelty consists in distinguishing the characteristic features that are related to the creative techniques of composers and singers in the field of choral heritage. Conclusions. In the artistic works of I. Shamo, G. Maiboroda, P. Maiboroda, O. Bilash the leading place is given to the song genre. It is a connection with folklore, which manifests itself in the interest of the type of choral processing, the borrowing of individual intonational-rhythmic elements, and harmonious features in-copyright works. Vocal nature of thinking leads to the ability to create original compositions, where the national-ethnic origin manifests itself, combined with the achievements of the musical language and the reflection of the XX century. In the choral score, there are elements that are typical of folk voice sentiment, imitating the sound of folk instruments. One of the signs inherent in the choral work of composers-songwriters is the appeal to the poetry of Taras Shevchenko. The traditions laid down by the composers mentioned above have found a continuation in the work of the composers of the following generations.

Author Biographies

Natalia Pertsovа

Associate Professor, Acting professor of Folk-song and Choral Singing Department, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts

Veronika Dorofieieva

Candidate of Art Studies, Associate Professor, Department of Folklore, Bandura and Instrumental Art, Kyiv National
University of Culture and Arts


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