
  • Andrii Pidlypskyi




Nikolyshyn Ihor, folk-stage dance, choreography, Ukraine, Ternopil region


Purpose of the article is to identify the contribution of Ihor Nykolyshyn to the development of the people-stage choreography of Ukraine. Methodology. The methodology of the study consists in the application of the historical-chronological, analytical and method of systematization, which made it possible to carry out scientifically objective research. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is to identify the main stages in the formation and development of the ballet master and pedagogical skills of I. Nykolyshyn, one of the leading specialists in the practice of folk-stage dance in Ternopil region. New materials have been introduced into the scientific circulation, refining and supplementing information on the life and work of I. Nykolyshyn. Conclusions. It is enough conditionally possible to conduct a periodization of the creative path of I. Nikolishin. 1977–1984 – Fundamental choreographic training in the school of culture and the Institute of Culture. Learning from the leading specialists of the folk-stage choreography of the Ternopil region (in the Terebovlya Cultural Counseling School) and Ukraine (at the Kyiv Institute of Culture named after О. Korniychuk, personal volitional qualities became the key to further pedagogical and choreographic achievements. 1986–2009 – formation and flourishing of the educational (Terebovlya school of culture) and choreographer (ensemble "Lyubystok") mastery, since 2002 – public activity as the chairman of the regional organization of the National Choreographic Union of Ukraine. 2009–2017 – in the status of a high professional, he was the chief choreographer (until 2013) of the professional ensemble of dance ensemble Nadzbruchanka, headed the cyclic commission of folk choreography at the Terebovlya Higher School of Culture, founded a children's dance studio at the Terebovlya Art School. Multivector productive activity in the sphere of national folk-stage choreographic culture brought I. Nikolishin a proper recognition. His name is forever inscribed in the history of domestic and world dance art.

Author Biography

Andrii Pidlypskyi

Lecturer, Folk Choreography Department, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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