
  • Yurii Ponomarenko



Culture, art-practice, systemogenesis, behavior, activity, state


The purpose of the article is to determine the mechanisms of system integration of art practice as a factor in the harmonization of globalization problems of our time. The methodology of the research is to use methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, generalization, as well as cultural and historical reconstructions to adequately determine the content and functions of culture genesis of the post-Soviet space. Scientific novelty is in the definition of spatial (heterotopy) and time (heterochrony) constants of the formation of systems of culture are presented, which are performed by the theory of dispositive M. Foucault and the theory of functional system P. Anokhin. These signs of cultural cultivation help to reconstruct spatial-temporal relations in culture as a chronotope in its functionally-aesthetic definition. Conclusions. It was investigated that the phenomenon of artization of culture does not occur unsystematically outside the context of the dialogue of producers, directors, actors as actors and events. It is revealed that in culture the dominant realities of cultural cultivation are always determined, which can be conventionally called the leaders of artistic meanings. Thus, in particular, structural transformations, development, or the phenomenon of cultural reliance are carried out, where leaders, outsiders, cultural margins find their place and each of them works on the systemic whole. The systemic mechanisms of cultural cultivation (acceptor of action, according to P. Anokhin) are analyzed, which are connected with the development of modern art practices.

Author Biography

Yurii Ponomarenko

Postgraduate student, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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