Monumental decorative artworks in the interior design of Kiev’s hotels (The problem of artistic monuments of the 1960-1980 years conservation)


  • Olena Smolyar



monument and decorative art, hotels Kyiv, public interior, design, composition, conceptual maintenance of artwork


Purpose of Article. The study reveals the status and the presence surviving works of monumental and decorative art in the hotels of Kyiv established in period 1960 -1980 years. The value and role of public interiors 2010s decorative historic-artistic panels, that the is a valuable asset experience of architects and artists that appeals to respect and preserve memorable artworks of Ukraine. Methodology. The processed material in 2017 by the methodology of the natural inspection, comparative analysis and composition that shows in most cases - destruction, and the minimum number - the existence of artistic monuments in public interiors - monuments of Soviet Ukraine. The scientific novelty lies in the modern study of works of monumental and decorative art in the interior design of hotels 1960 -1980 years, as well as identifying the impact of monumental decoration to create a «face of the city». The compositions are aesthetic and conceptual model due to functional, having experienced project to create value and symbolic space of the defining characteristics of further visits to the hotel for guests or citizens of Kiev. It is because of this approach for accommodations Kyiv will become the perfect consistency in terms of raising the ratings of visitors reaching economic improvement of the country. Conclusions. The determined number of surviving works for today, their inclusion in the new interiors with modern connection and design styles. Giving importance and awareness of historical and monumental study of art the works of decorating the contents of which are characteristic of museum exhibits, presenting the realm of culture and art of the XX century Ukraine, should have value and attract artists to the restoration of historical monuments. Stopping mass destruction works of monumental and decorative art treasures should achieve the understanding of grand mural, presenting the historical and conceptual originality in stylistic peculiarities of Kyiv.

Author Biography

Olena Smolyar

postgraduate of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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