Formation of the cultural space of Ukraine in the conditions of independence


  • Igor Hlebosolov



concept, culture, modeling, cultural policy, state


Purpose of Article. The purpose of the study aims to identify the conceptual foundations and cultural paradigms of the state cultural policy concerning the creation of the cultural space under conditions of independence, studying the process of its implementation and the results in time-space dimension. Methodology. The research uses a comparative method, a method of documentary analysis, and a comprehensive approach to research. In studying the problem, synergistic research paradigms in the field of cultural science, as well as general methods of analysis and synthesis, were taken into consideration. The use of the mentioned methods of the research contributed to obtaining their theoretical results. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the results has defined by choice of the topic of study and the periodization of the process of the national cultural space formation as well as its context and content. The idea that the process of cultural area creation is in the relationship between the artist and the creative environment with the state and its institutes is grounded, and the models of their development do not coincide in term of the timespace phenomenon. Conclusions. With the proclamation of independence, the urgent task of state policy was the formation of a new paradigm of the national cultural space. Unlike the Soviet concept of "cultural management,” a new model of culture is approved at the state level, which defines it as a form of manifestation of national identity, the factor of consolidation of society and the effectiveness of socio-political transformations.

Author Biography

Igor Hlebosolov

Researcher, National cademy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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