
  • Vasyl Romanchyshyn



concert, art management, concert activity history, the organization of concert activity


Purpose of the article is to reveal the socio-cultural essence and functions of concert activity, outline the peculiarities of its organization. Methodology. General scientific methods of analysis: historicism, systematization, the generalization of the problem under investigation. Scientific novelty of the research consists in generalization and systematization of theoretical materials concerning modern trends in the organization of concert activity as a sociocultural practice. The ways of optimization of concert activity in current conditions are proposed, which determines the relevance of the research topic. Conclusions. In order to optimize concert activity in modern terms, it is necessary to: support the creation of a highly artistic product in the field of concert activity, expansion of the repertoire proposal, development of new forms of artistic expression, creative activity of authors and performers; the formation and evolution of social needs in the art of various genres, including in academic art, expanding the audience of concerts at the expense of different layers, categories and groups of the population; formation of active management in the field of concert activity; integration of Ukraine into the world "concert" market, use of its creative potential for strengthening the positive image of the country on the international level.

Author Biography

Vasyl Romanchyshyn

Candidate of Culturology, Professor of the Stage and Audiovisual Arts Department, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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