
  • Daria Romanets



Ukrainian children's opera, Roman Smolyar, fairy-tale image, dance, song, melody, rhythm


Purpose of Article. Identify the features of modern Ukrainian opera for children on the example of R. Smolyar's opera "Little Red Riding Hood". The methodology of the research is based on the synthesis of various methods: historical, comparative-analytical and generalizing. Using the method of applying complex analysis, the author seeks to reveal the genre identity, the features of the libretto, figurative sphere, drama and musical language of R. Smolyar's children's opera. The scientific novelty of the work is that for the first time the analysis of the children's opera "Little Red Riding Hood" by a modern Ukrainian composer and performer R. Smolyar was carried out. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of the children's opera R. Smolyar "Little Red Riding Hood" the artistic and educational potential of the work is proved. It is substantiated that the musical fabric of the opera is a reflection of the traditions of the European opera in combination with innovations. Also, the relevance of the plot of the literary source of S. Perrault to the modern audience is proved.

Author Biography

Daria Romanets

Postgraduate, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts


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