Formation of Julia Segal art style in the 1970s


  • Kateryna Shcherbakova



Sculpture, relief, plastic images, spatial innovations


Purpose of Article. To study the characteristic features of Segal's work of the 1970s, when the individual manner of the sculptor was formed. As it has become decisive for her further work. The methodology of the study is centered on the use of analytical, contextual, and comparative methods. The mentioned approaches allow to identify the features of the ideological content and plastic modeling of reliefs and round sculptures by Segal in the 1970s. Scientific Novelty: the study is the first time analysis of the works by Segal of 1970s, what allows to reveal the specificity of the sculptor's style, the originality of the created images and describe the semantic load of the works. Conclusions. A characteristic feature of Segal's works is a combination of elements of low, high relief and round sculpture. The ideological component of the works is marked by a profound philosophical overtone, and everyday objects - by a complex semantic content. The textural solution of the relief plane gives a certain vitality to the image, but using the through-hole element enriches the composition with a sense of space. A dimensional feature of the plastic modeling of Segal's works is the creation of completed images due to the minimal amount of expressiveness.

Author Biography

Kateryna Shcherbakova

second year magistracy student of National academy of managerial staff of culture and arts


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