Features of choreography culture of Latin American countries - Venezuela and Columbia


  • Olga Yatsenko




Latin America, Venezuela, Columbia, choreography culture, folk dance, joropo, cumbia


Purpose of Article. The paper aims to provide analysis of folk choreography art of Venezuela and Columbia as well as data arrangements for folk dance features of these Latin American countries in the modern epoch. Research methodology consists in the application of historical and cultural, analytical methods that allows reviewing the characteristics of the folk dance of Venezuela and Columbia, depending on the extent of the respective impact of various cultures — Indian, African and European. Scientific novelty means clarification for mutual influence and convergence of the folk choreography art of Venezuela and Columbia as well as the determination of features of the most popular dances which nowadays may be seen on the professional stage, — joropo and cumbia. Conclusions. The folk choreography art of Venezuela and Columbia gains more and more popularity over recent years due to the features as follows: emotionality, expressivity, sensibility, sexuality, bright colors. Relations between a man and a woman form the basis of it that is expressed through a broad spectrum of feelings, therefore, given those as mentioned earlier, such dances require from dancers, besides perfect choreographic skills, exceptional acting talent, including extensive mimic abilities.

Author Biography

Olga Yatsenko

Associate Professor of the Folk Choreography Department, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Honored Artist of Ukraine


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