
  • Olena Stepanova



Catholic sanctuaries in Ukraine, religious tourism, Catholic pilgrimage, sacred topos


Purpose of the article is to study the importance of using the Catholic sanctuaries of Ukraine in the tourism industry as a self-sufficient component of religious tourism. The methodology of the research consists in using the cultural-historical method in revealing the socio-cultural conditions for the formation of sanctuaries and the narrative approach to representing the functioning of individual cultural texts that highlight the tourism potential of sacred Catholic topos as suggestions for Ukrainian and foreign tourists. Scientific novelty consists in proving the importance of using Catholic sanctuaries in Ukraine in the tourism industry as a separate direction of religious tourism in the regions of our state. The imagological aspect of religious tourism in the respected Catholic tradition holy places has been explored. Conclusions. Religious tourism is an essential component of the tourism market of our country, where famous places of cult practice of the Catholic Church are original. Religious tourism is one of the most promising areas for transforming the structure of the economy of individual regions of our state. For tourists, the imaginational aspect of religious tourism is essential.

Author Biography

Olena Stepanova

Doctor of Sciences in Cultural Studies, Head of the Tourism Management Department, Open International University of Human Development "Ukraine"


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