
  • Anna Tkach



modification, triune, the image of a woman, family ritual, family, image


The purpose of the article is to substantiate the development of ways to revive the three-dimensional image of a woman in modern conditions. The methodology of the study is to use the comparative historical method, methods of system analysis, synthesis and classification, which allowed us to identify the general and distinct phenomena that are being studied; typical and exceptional in the development of family ritual; to substantiate the necessity of the revival of the three-dimensional image of a woman in modern conditions. The scientific novelty consists in the fact that in the research the directions of the rebirth of the three-dimensionality of the image of a woman in the Ukrainian family ritual in the modern conditions, the list and characteristics are proposed for the first time. For the first time analyzed and schematically depicted the three-dimensional image of a woman at various stages of Ukrainian family ritual; the necessity of the revival of the three-personality of the image of a woman in modern conditions is substantiated. Conclusions. The three-dimensional model of a woman at different stages of Ukrainian family ritual is analyzed and schematically depicted; the present state of the manifestation of the threefoldness of the portrait of a woman in society is investigated; the results of the study showed the need for the revival of such a three-personality, which may be an essential element in the perspective of the development of a female component in Ukrainian family ceremonies; taking into account the aforementioned in the given research, the first directions of the revival of the three-personality of the image of a woman in modern conditions were proposed.

Author Biography

Anna Tkach

Lecturer of the Folklore, Bandura, and Instrumental Arts Department, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts


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