
  • Irina Udris



рopulism, knowledge, influence theory, national romanticism, cultural-historical method, artistic-stylistic analysis


Purpose of Article is to carry out an analysis of general scientific conditions and a particular theoretical and methodological basis for the formation of professional art history in Ukraine in the XIX – n. XX century as a component of the European science of the art of that time. The methodology of the research is based on the foundations of an integrated approach and the use of analytical, art-comparative, chronological, generalizing methods for the formation of a holistic view of the scientific parameters of national studies of the Ukrainian pictorial classics of the epoch. The scientific novelty is conditioned by the review and systematization of significant national general cultural ideas and leading theories of European science on the art of the late XIX-early XX century as a scientific tool for the research activities of domestic specialists. The leading methodological foundations of art studies of the era were determined: the knowledge and theory of influences, the idea of the national uniqueness of the artistic tradition, iconographic, cultural-historical, artistic-stylistic methods of search analysis as the scientific theoretical basis of the works of Ukrainian amateur and professional. The contribution of the leading European scientists of the period is considered in the development of scientific art criticism and the influence of their ideas on the position of Ukrainian scientists. Conclusions. The material examined allows us to substantiate the principles of the scientific potential of the studies of Ukrainian art critics of the time of self-determination of the science of art. Relying on the totality of domestic socio-cultural factors and the prevailing theoretical and methodological foundations of European art history, the Ukrainian scientists of the period under investigation achieve very significant successes in the formation of the concept of national uniqueness of the national fine arts.

Author Biography

Irina Udris

PhD in Art History, Associate Professor, Professor of the Fine Arts Department, Krivoy Rog State Pedagogical University


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