
  • Halyna Volkova




сult, culture, ritual, religion, epistemology


Purpose of the article is to discover specific, according to the instructions of the epistemology of Durkheim, incompatible installation as an initiative, imitation incentives of the rituals, presented with a detailed description of traditions and customs, which together form the construction of the theoretical concept of this kind of explanations. A methodology is an integrated approach, which is determined by the ritual basis of cultural processes, formed by folklore genesis and conceptually covered by the interdisciplinary approach, according to the works of E. Durkheim. The scientific novelty of the work is the perspective of the concept of Durkheim from the positions of the possibilities of the hermeneutics of the culture in the cosmological generalizations of mental stereotypes in it. Conclusions. The cosmology of mythmaking and the epistemology of Durkheim constitute qualities that interpret the scientific exposition and are explained by themselves, which traces the unity of ideas about the ideal beginnings of the world and the usage of them in the practice of ritual and life as such. 

Author Biography

Halyna Volkova

Candidate, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Lecturer, Department of Theoretical and Applied Culture Studies, Odessa National Musical Academy named after
A. V. Nezhdanovoi


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