
  • Vira Yarova



linocut, ex-libris, graphics of Kharkov


The purpose of the article is to establish the features of the dissemination of linocut as one of the most popular printing techniques in the 1960s and 1970s and the work of Kharkov ex-libris artisans, to determine the features of the artistically figurative language of bookplate made in linocut. Methodology. In the course of the study, the main methods of art analysis (figurative-stylistic, comparative typological, iconographic) which enabled the identification of thematic analogies, the nature of formal plastic solutions of the considered works, became the primary methods. The scientific novelty of the research is to broaden the notion of the development of the ex-libris in the visual space of Kharkov. The author has reviewed and introduced into scientific use unknown or little-known works of Kharkov artisans, which are in private and museum collections in Ukraine. Conclusions. It was found that within a specified period linocut was one of the leading printing techniques used to create ex-librises by local artisans. These include M. Molchinsky, G. Koren, E. Nadjezhdin, M. Fradkin, D. Miroshnichenko, V. Usolkin, M. Tamozhnikov, L. Kuznetsov, whose work was marked by peculiar artistic-figurative searches. In the creation of ex-librises for private collections, Kharkov linocut artists preferred plot compositions, and less often the font codes of the owner's name. The addresses of local ex-librists to the Ukrainian cultural heritage, folklore heritage, personality and literary heritage of Taras Shevchenko were noted. Performing signs for state institutions, the artisans turned to the heraldic ex-libris with the balance and the symmetry of compositional constructions inherent to considered type.

Author Biography

Vira Yarova

Candidate of Art History, senior lecturer of the Department of Design and Visual Arts of theO.M. Beketov National University of Urban Economy in Kharkiv


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