
  • Andrii Yeremenko



bayan sonata, modern Ukrainian music, A. Haidenko


The purpose of the article. Two bayan sonatas by A. Haidenko are considered in the article, their figurative and thematic and compositional and dramaturgical peculiarities are revealed, reflecting the creative principles of the composer and the trends of the genre's development in Ukraine. The methodology is based on the application of historical, comparative, structural-functional, genre-style and intonational-dramatic methods, aimed at the comprehensive study of works and comprehension of the process of figurative semantic deployment in them. The scientific novelty consists in revealing features of the interpretation of the sonata genre in the two papers by A. Haidenko and in designating their place in the evolution of the Ukrainian Bayan Sonata. Conclusions. The validity of the two bayan sonatas of the composer to the type of «big symphonized sonatas» is substantiated, and the reproduction of their interest in the historical past and national folklore is reflected in them. The common features in the interpretation of the syntactic cycle and the compositional organization of individual parts are revealed, and the dominance of the signs of epic drama is emphasized.

Author Biography

Andrii Yeremenko

lecturer of the department musical instrumental performances Sumy State Pedagogical University im.A.S.Makarenko


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