Some aspects of the intertextual analysis of a musical composition


  • Irina Pyatnitskaya-Pozdnyakova PhD in Arts, associate professor, Doctoral student of P.Tchaikovsky National Music Academy of Ukraine, Ukraine



method of intertextual analysis, intertext interaction, textual allusions, citations, figures of intext


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the work is to reveal different figures of intext in a musical text that will allow us to understand the mechanism of functioning of the intertextual method of analysis in the context of the semiotic approach. The analysis of a variety of text inclu­sions is made on the examples of the postlude genre that is seen to be rather flexible and accordant with the trends in the updates of the musical language of the second half of XX century. Methodol­ogy. The research methodology involves the method of intertextual interactions that will allow us to understand the logic and the principle of organization of the distinct musical discourse. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty is to identify the intertextual associative links on the level of the various figures of intext and their functions in the context of musical shaping, where «the other word» becomes not only the structural component. Moreover, it also becomes the semantic value, where substantial levels of musical text are concentrated. Conclusions. Based on the analysis of one of the best works of the Ukrainian composer Valentin Silvestrov «Postludien» (1981/82), the author has found out the intertextually interactions citations and textual allusions, which are the important means of the musical text construction. It show the composer who has perfect skills of the special kind of textual implications.


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