Features of the flute ensemble on the example of O. Serova’s works


  • Nikita Pertsov senior lecturer of the Department of Chamber Ensemble, National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music, Ukraine




flute, folklore, flute ensemble, Olena Serova


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the work is to analyze chamber works for the ensem­ble of flutes of the modern Ukrainian composer Olena Serova with an emphasis on folklore song material as a sign of the author's style. Methodology. The methodology of the study is based on the application of the findings of art critics K. Gigov and V. Davydov on the analysis of performing in­terpretations of ensemble works for wind instruments. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research reveals the specificity of the creativity of the modern Ukrainian composer, for which the use of unusual chamber wind instruments is characteristic. Conclusions. In the conclusions it is noted that a characteristic feature of the author's style of Olena Serova is the appeal to folklore. The chamber-wind compositions of the Ukrainian composer are characterized by the use of a monotembral flute performer, which is a sign of her unconditional innovation.


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