The Tret’yaks’ artistic family


  • Iryna Gandzha PhD-candidate of the Department of the History of Ukrainian Music and Musical Folklore, National Tchaikovsky Academy of Music, Ukraine



artistic family, opera singing, chamber concert singing, synergy, performing style, vocal methods, opera direction


Purpose of Research. The paper gives a short record of the life and creative work of the well-known Ukrainian arts figures who belong to the Tretyak family (period of the second half of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century). The purpose of this work is to investigate the life environment of the artistic family members, who were consolidated by joint professional activi­ties, and forms of their interpersonal relationship. We identify the real nature of their harmonious collaboration and the bloom of creativity of each of them. Methodology. This study is based on the theoretical basis dealing with the need to investigate and take into account specific features of the professional skills of the artists as well as factors that contribute to their growth in artistic families for the further improvement of excellence in musical and theatre arts and for the successful educa­tion of creative young people. The study was conducted by the methods of interviewing and ques­tioning the members of the artistic family, studying the literature data on their life and work, analysing the genesis of their professional activity and its efficiency as well as relations between them. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of this work deals with identifying the conditions for the realisation of the talents of the artistic family members, the ways of their work and life organi­zation, and the factors of mutual enrichment and achieving the success in their creative work. As a result of our work, we identified the ways of formation of the performing skills of the USSR Peo­ple’s Artist V. Ya. Tretyak and his wife, the Honoured Artist of Ukraine L. Kh. Tretyak. The reper­toire of the Tretyak family has been classified and their vocal methods have been analyzed. The peculiarities of the directorial creative work of their son - M. V. Tretyak - have been defined. The family’s merits and contribution to the Ukrainian vocal and theatrical arts have been identified. Conclusions. The success of the Tretyak’s artistic family members are determined not only by their professional skills but also by the nature of relations between them in their family. It is the mutual respect and the ability to submit to one another in a small family with common purpose and interests that created a favorable climate for the flowering of their creativity.


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