The identity of the singer in terms of the ideological transformations in the cultural and artistic life of Ukraine of the 1920s-1930s.


  • Olena Katsalap postgraduate of Institute of Arts Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University, Ukraine



identity of the singer, cultural and artistic life, repertoire policy, opera art, totalitar­ian state


Work objective. The study deals with determining the place and role of the singer in the cultural and artistic life of Ukraine of the 1920s-1930s, the vision by the authorities of the singer identity in the cultural life of Ukraine and in the social hierarchy, his understanding of his participation in culture­making processes in terms of subordination to the Soviet ideological system. Methodology of research consists in the use of specific historical methodfor detailed studies of the social and political conditions that proceeded the cultural and artistic life of Ukraine in 1920-1930s, the structural and functional method to study the functioning of the classical vocal art in the cultural, ideological, and public rela­tions, also general scientific methods (analysis, synthesis, comparison, etc.) to conduct a thorough study of culture-making processes and their predetermination in Ukraine of 1920-1930s. Scientific novelty of the work consists in expansion of ideas about personal formation and direction of activities of profes­sional singers in the totalitarian conditions of the Soviet reality of the 1920s-1930s, in the interpretation of the facts, dramatic in its essence, connected with their life and artistic activity as well as achieve­ments in vocal performances. Conclusions. The analysis of the peculiarities of the repertoire policy and directing in the national opera theatres, as well as the assessment of social and cultural activity of sing­ers and its conditionality provided the opportunity to identify the main levers of influence of the totali­tarian state on opera art and society in general and adaptation of singers to the Soviet reality.


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