Provençal «provincialism» in creativity of Darius Milhaud (on materials of «Brazilian dance» and the second suite «Scaramouche»)


  • Keting Liu PhD-candidate of Odessa National A.V. Nezhdanova Academy of Music, Ukraine



music style, national style, provincial style in music, genre in music, genre of dance


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the article is to look for the «Provençal provincial­ism» in piano works of Darius Milhaud as a focus of the stylistic paradigm of stylistic paradigm of XX century. Methodology. The methodology of the study consists in the using of innovative stylistic- comparative analysis to find out the components of the Provençal style of Darius Milhaud, which is naturally traced as Brazilian character. The last one is the creation of Portugal as the province of the European South. Scientific novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is the analysis Brazil­ian dances and the second suite «Scaramouche» of Darius Milhaud as manifestations of his «Provençal provincialism» in music. Conclusions. The main conclusion is to analyse the develop­ment of Darius Milhaud’s style to find perspectives stylistic integrations of «provincialism» in XX century as unity of European-Out-European-Old-European qualities of music expression.


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