The sound code of traditional ritualism of Kharkiv Ukrainians’ calendar cycle


  • Natalya Oliynyk Postgraduate of Kharkiv State Academy of Culture, Ukraine



sound code, ritual songs of Ukrainians, sound imitation, onomatopoeia, sacralization


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the paper is to research the sound code, the essential part of calendar ritualism which is based on materials of traditional Sloboda Ukraine culture. Methodology. The author uses the structural and semantic, social and cultural art and historical methods to analyse the existence of rituals of calendar cycle. Scientific Novelty. Comprehensive studying of the sound code shows it as the sacral part and social and cultural understanding of its uniqueness in the context of development of traditional culture, and its place in ethno- theatricalization.Conclusions. The sound code of calendar ritualism in folk traditions of Sloboda Ukraine is presented as the sound imitation, ritual singing, ritual laugh, cry, clamor and noise.


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