Post-folklore creolized works in the measurement of visual internet-communication
post-folklore, creolized product, semiotic-sign systems, memes, demotivators, photo-gagsAbstract
Purpose of Research. The purpose of the work is to study the features of constructing the creolized post-folklore works of the Internet space in the general measurement of the development of the visual culture of this environment. Methodology. The methodology of the study consists in the application of analytical, culturological and semiotic methods to study the structure and principles of the functioning of such common genres of creolized works of post-folklore as demotivators, ma'am, collage pictures-photographic. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is the fact that the author is the first who studies popular genres of post-folklore on the basis of revealing the semiotic features of creolized texts. They are formed in the context of the visual culture of the Internet environment with the help of digital instruments. Conclusions. The author stated that postfolklore creolized works are poly-coded texts with the complex structure and various sign-symbolic systems - verbal and visual. They constitute an integrally interpreted meaning of the work based on the perception of the conotatus and denotata. Mediocre and functioning on the Internet, such creole-like works of post-folklore as demotivators, memes, collage pictures-photo-gags absorb the technological digital creation tools and such general characteristics of Internet texts as hyper- textuality, intertextuality, as well as background knowledge and precedence. According to their semantic content, these creole works are a reflection of post-folklore creativity of Internet users, which is determined by post-folklore consciousness. Its goal is to comprehend objective actual information, reflecting the current values and ideological foundations of the corresponding society and the peculiarities of its sociocultural space.
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