The innovative approaches in the design of the directions of the development of the recreational activity on the dendrologist parks territories


  • Nataliia Shevchenko PhD in Pedagogics, associate professor, the Department of the Art Management and Event Technologies, National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



development of recreational activity, tourist-recreational complexes, design of landscape


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the article is the determination of the directions of the development of the recreational activity, objects and infrastructure and network of the tourist routes in the design of the functional zones in the dendrologist parks. Methodology. The research method­ology consists of the integral approaches, which combine the modern planning and the development of the tourist-recreational and landscape park «Olexandria of XXI of century». Scientific Novelty. The author marks that expansions of the infrastructure and the network of tourist routes within the limits of dendrologist park «Olexandria» should become the motive of the mechanism activations of the regional development. It allows considerably promoting financial potential of the sphere of tourism in a regional budget, simultaneously increasing the profits of local population. Its imple­mentation will allow to give new impulse at the recreational activity due to more effective using of naturally-resource potential of the territory and application of the newest technologies for planning of the functional zones in forest-park part. Conclusions. The development of the optimization of the recreational potential of dendrologist parks acquires the special actuality in the tourist natural re­sources as a new approach to the functional zoning of forest-park territories. All of them will help to develop high-efficiency tourist-recreational complexes in the region and will create motives for the realization of the row of large-scale projects in industry of development tourism.


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