The creativity of Sergey Drimtsov in the archival documents


  • Olena Gedz teacher of subjects of an aesthetic cycle, G. Vaschenko lyceum № 144, Kyiv, Ukraine



Sergey Drimtsov, Romanticism, Ukrainian musical culture, musical and theatrical works


Purpose of Research. The purposes of the research are to explore of the archive materials and analyse the multifaceted activities of Sergei Drimtsov, the Ukrainian composer of the late XIX - early XX centuries, in the context of Romanticism. Methodology. The methodology of work includes the historical - cultural, experiential, general logical research methods for the analysis of public and creative activities of Drimtsov C. at that period. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is determined by the embedding into Art handling of the archives material of Sergei Drimtsov, the Ukrainian composer of the late XIX - early XX century, including literary and musical works. The works of the composer are considered in the context of the transformation of Western European Romanticism in Ukrainian musical art. Conclusions. The different genres are presented in the work of composition creativity of S. Drimtsov. They are, basically, musical-theatrical works, music for drama performances, symphonic and vocal-symphonic works, vocal and choral works, processing and arranging. The creative heritage of the composer is full of Ukrainian national romanticism, which is regarded as an integral part of European Romanticism and reveals the peculiarities of the shaping of the Ukrainian national culture in the late XIX - early XX centuries.


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