On the concept of «festival of hairdressing»
art, hairdresser, hairdressing, festival, festival hairdressingAbstract
Purpose of Research. The purpose of the research is to identify meaningful essence of the concept of «festival hairdressing art» by analysing the concepts of «art» and «hairdresser»; including integrated concepts of «hairdressing» and «Festival of hairdressing», because the term «hairdressing» is one of the most common in journalistic and scientific literature, but its definition remains outside the scientific discussion. The purpose of this article is to interpret this concept. Methodology. The research methodology is the using of the terminology, guided by the principle of terminological analysis methods and operationalization pony. The above methodological approach allows considering the substantive nature of professional design terminology image-character «art» and «barber», bringing the basic substance of the concepts of «hairdressing». Scientific Novelty. As a result of selective analysis of scientific literature, the author traces the development and modification of the concept of «festival», which was held in parallel with the development of the festival movement. The author proposes the concept of «hairdressing» and «Festival of hairdressing» that are absent in the modern Ukrainian scientific literature. Conclusions. In summary, we note that the results of the analysis of scientific sources, including the etymology of the concepts of «barber», «art», «festival», the main substance of the concepts of «hairdressing» and «Festival of Hairdressing» are the following positions. «Festival of Hairdressing art» is a massive celebration that includes a gala show of the achievements in hairdressing field. This type offestivals is an indicator of trendfashion trends in hairdressing and plays an important role in the fashion industry.
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