Coloring screen painting


  • Yuri Garmash director of photography, associate professor of the Department of the Cinematography, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine
  • Aleksandr Pryadko PhD in Technical Sciences, associate professor of the Department of the Cinematography, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



color, coloring, painting, screen, display, color filter, frame, cinema, technology


Purpose of Research. The purposes of the work are the analysis of the components in the system of colouring organization of the screen painting, to study of the phenomenon of colour and the analysis of features of various colour solutions application in films and to determine how to implement them. Methodology. The methodology of the research consists of the application of structural-functional and cultural approaches. Due to the necessity of systematization of colouring challenges solutions the authors have analysed the variations of colour in the visual arts. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research includes clarification of the components and their impact on the colour of the picturesque works, the determination of the effect on the colour gamut in screen painting technology, the structured analysis of contemporary colouring options, methods of forming colour in feature films and colouring analysis in iconic films. Conclusions. Colouring is a component of the on-screen painting, which can be changed without any technical and technological limitations. It depends on the creative idea in various ways and means: the selection of subject colour, the colour temperature of the lighting, filters, additive synthesis of multi-coloured light beams in the colour grading for the post-production by exposure control in some areas of the frame and the entire frame.


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