The style of the silverware, produced by the jewelry company of J. Marshak


  • Natalia Sapfirova Member of Fabergè Memorial Fund, Ukraine



Joseph Abramovich Marshak, siver dinnerware, manufacturing, trade, the last quarter of the XIX - the beginning XX century


Purpose of Research. The research is related to the definition of style and level of artistic performance products made by jeweler J. Marshak during the whole period of its existence (1878­1918). The field of the research is also covers the including products of other jewelry companies in Europe and the Russian Empire of the indicated period, which have been realized through the J. Marshak's company. This work is written, based on the items from the museum and the private col­lections, publications of the early twentieth century and existing products in today's antique market. To achieve the main purpose of the article we should do the following tasks. Among them the most important tasks are to study the assortment silverware, manufactured at J.Marshak's factory and to definite the ornamental elements of artistic and historical styles in decorating silverware and trends in the style formation of the factory. Methodology. The research methodology is based on the ap­plication of scientific and special methods of art criticism. The combination of such methods as comparative, historical, formal stylistic, formal iconographic, comparative stylistic, and art- stylistic analysis allow us to define similarities and differences of the style of J. Marshak's factory silverware items and products ofjewelry firms, located in the Russian Empire and Europe.Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty is consisted in scientific research of silverware objects, pro­duced by J. Marshak's jewelry company and other jewelry firms, having a commercial relations with Marshak's firm from the last quarter of XIX to the beginning of XX centuries. There are the specified detailed list of product line of tableware, an analysis of artistic and stylistic features of jewelry products in outlined circle jewelry businesses and workshops. In particular, the author tries to define historical styles of the products as well as a set of features of «Marshak's style». Conclu­sions. The studying of the range of silverware suggests that production and sale of silverware took a large proportion of the total volume of production J. Marshak's factory. The bilateral relations in realization of the own production and jewelry other jewelry firms ensured the demands of the con­sumers. The decorative ornament of J. Marshak's factory products tends to such historical styles as Rococo, Classicism, Empire, Art Nouveau. The style of silverware shows a link with architecture. The decor elements of jewelry pieces are adopted from decorative architectural elements. The result of it is a harmonious combination of the exterior and interior of the building.


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