National clothes as a factor of the Ukrainian ethnic culture in the context of ethnic design


  • Ilona Sivash postgraduate of National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



Ukrainian ethno-design, national traditional costume, ethnic cultural identity, ethnic traditions, ethnic motifs, creative search, design of clothes


Purpose of Research is research of the use of reasons folk the suit of Ukraine in practice of professional artists and designers of XX-beginning of XXI item To rotin in a civilized manner social the phenomena to which the personal interest is related folk clothes as by the factor of etnoculture. To consider the examples of the use of reasons folk a suit in the context of Ukrainian etno-design in activity of houses of fashion and in creation of row of leading designers. To analyse projects which will popularize a folk suit in modern society. The article deals with the national costume as a source of inspiration for the Ukrainian designers. The folk costumes and their interpretation is the instru­ment, which helps to emphasize national, ethnic cultural identity in the multicultural environment of the modern world. Therefore, the research of the national costume as an important factor and the source of inspiration is very actualized in the context of Ukrainian traditions of ethnic design. Methodology. The methodology of the research is based on historical, art criticism, socio-cultural and system-structural methods, which is based on an analysis of the influence of decorative and applied arts on the formation of ethnodesign. Scientific Novelty. The cultural aspect of the national motifs in Ukrainian contemporary fashion design is shown. The trends of the Ukrainian modern fashion are characterized. The figures of it regularly turns to the traditions of the national dress. The significance of Lviv National Academy of Arts as a training centre for the professional design­ers is highlighted. Its graduates often use in their professional activity different ethnic motifs. The author lists up the names of the leading Ukrainian designers and fashion designers, who often refer to national motives. They are Roksolana Bogutska, Lilia Pustovit, Olesyi Telizhenko, Zinaida Likhacheva etc. In addition, the author pays attention to the names of the brands, which use nation­al embroidery motifs for souvenirs and casual wear. Conclusions. So today, folk costume acts as a factor in ethnoculture in the context of Ukrainian etno-design. Having a long tradition of attracting traditions of national clothes in costume design, Ukrainian etno-design occupies an important place in the work of designers and designers. Since the end of the nineteenth century, Ukrainian artists, designers, designers constantly turn to national costume as a source of inspiration. And their works on the basis of rethinking ethnic traditions help to unite Ukrainians. Ethnic clothing now meets the needs of the time, is in demand in society. And in order to satisfy it, artists are deeply exploring the national culture of dressing.


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