The transcript experience of the english caricature, from the Kharkiv art museum col­lection


  • Marina Filatova postgraduate of Kharkiv State Academy of Design and Fine Arts, Head of Foreign Art Department of Kharkiv Art Museum, Ukraine



English caricature, Catherine II, Russian bear, Kharkiv Art Museum collection


Purpose of Research. The purposes of the work are to attempt a detailed analysis of old English, engraving by Isaac Krukshenko «Hint John Bull into a profitable alliance» (1794), to de­cipher the meaning of the replicas, to show the full range of hints and allusions, to reconstruct the historical context. Methodology. The research methodology is to use traditional methods of study of artistic phenomena in which historical and cultural method combined with a systematic approach and supplemented comparative method. The art analysis method is used to identify Krukshenko’s features creative manner. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the work is to expand the range of study English caricatures time limits XVIII - XIX centuries, which may be the subject of study in different sciences such as art history, sociology, psychology, psychohistory, philology etc. In this study, the specified object is seen as a form of art, with its plastic language and their means of artistic expression. Conclusions. It is established that the caricature is a kind of translation phe­nomena of Russian life in the English language humor. In British literature, the author shows the using of the satirical graphic symbols, personification such as the Russian bear and John Bull. The characteristic features of the artistic creative Krukshenko’s manner are analysed. The review of scientific papers on the study of English caricature late XVIII - early XIX century is considered.


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