Decorative applied art of the modern era: typology and stylistics of products


  • Victoria Cheban postgraduate of Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



Era of Art Nouveau, art, style, culture, dishes, furniture, jewelry, ornaments, decor


Purpose of Research. The purpose of the article is to characterize the features and basic principles of the Art Nouveau style in arts and crafts by analyzing figures on objects of decorative and applied art of that time. Methodology. The methodology of the research consists in the application of historical, logical, analytical, descriptive and art methods, which allow to study and to descript the style of decorative art articles of the modern era, to generalize the principles of applying decor to interior items, decorations, fabrics, etc., and to identify the basic finishing materials. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty consists in studying the artistic stylistics of decorative and applied art of the modern era, the main types of products, and its further modification in the transition to industrial production, which has also influenced modernity; the generalization of the basic decorative figures on products of arts and crafts; the clarifying the artistic heritage of artists of the Art Nouveau era. Conclusion. It is established that the time of modernism has brought decorative and applied art to the level of the fine due to the application of high standards of craftsmanship and design in everyday objects of interior and facade decoration. The features of the Art Nouveau style are the rejection of corners and straight lines in favor of more natural ones, the use of new technologies (especially in architecture), the development of applied art. This style combined the utilitarian and artistic functions of products, its main principle was embodied in a flexible and streamlinedforms of dynamic equilibrium.


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