Artistic and creative activity of the director: the nature of an expert’s professional work


  • Nina Gusakova PhD in Pedagogical sciences, professor of the Department of the Direction and Actor's mastery, Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts, Ukraine



director's activity, director's qualification, director's job, director's education


Purpose of Research. The purposes of the article are to study the features of theatrical and directorial activities, to determine the content and form of director's education for students at a university of culture from the standpoint of the concept of active approach to the content of the educational process in higher education system according to modern requirements of social and cultural practices. Methodology. The research methodology consists of analytical, functional, comparative and art-criticism methods, which are used to research the features of director's preparation, with its detailed direction on the description of professional theatrical activities and its impact on the relationship between functions and types of these activities. Scientific Novelty. The scientific novelty of the research is to analyse the concept of «director's work» that requires better theoretical analysis and experimental study of its most typical varieties, which ultimately will provide a positive realization of nominal labor content of director's profile into actual one. Conclusions. The results of the research are the following positions: firstly, the basis for methodological concept of the research of director’s activity is general statement about the nature of director’s work, which means the totality of relationships, created in a specific activity. Secondly, the diversity of professional work of director's creative personality is proved in most researches of the theory and practice of social and cultural activities in the theatrical and educational, theatrical and aesthetic, theatrical and psychological, creative and performing areas. However, it is little highlighted in socio-cultural and especially pedagogical areas. Thirdly, the authors pays great attention to the study of socio-cultural features in the areas of differentiation of definite arts, especially theatrical one in the works of researchers. Basing on these conceptual aspects we come to the conclusion that the activities of the expert of directorial course must be included in the system of cultural activity in structural unity and relationship with all its types and components. Fourthly, the conclusions from concrete studies, definite publications, practical methodological papers on issues of preparation of experts with top director's qualification correspond to the theoretical statements of active approach on the orientation to consider personality as a new quality, created by move of the system of objective social relations. Finally, there is the insufficient analysis of the peculiarities of certain kinds of pedagogical work of the director in the scientific literature. It has not not fully developed the issue of structure of his professionally important pedagogical qualities and the character of multifunctional activity in social and cultural environment.


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