The culturological content of the identity concept


  • Olga Sapozhnik



spiritual culture, identity, cultural identity, the nation, national-religious identification, the Orthodox Church.


The purpose of the article is to outline the meaning of cultural identity, disclosure of the correlation of cultural, religious and artistic components of the identification process. The research highlights the role of mental culture, including religious art, in formation of self-consciousness and self-affirmation of the nation in the civilizational progress Ukraine. The mental influence of orthodoxy as a religious pivot in the formation of national cultural identity is also noted. The methodology of the exploration was manifested in using cultural approach to the concept of identity, the dialectical methods of analysis, synthesis, comparison, simile, which made it possible to detach the range of problems. The scientific novelty consists in that it clarifies the cultural concept of identity in the context of the world-view, religious, and aesthetic measurements. The understanding of the mental influence of Ukrainian orthodoxy on the formation of the national content of cultural identity also deepens in the article. Conclusions. It was substantiated that the creation of the Ukrainian State-political identity, focusing on the joint future existence while preserving and development of the ethnic, cultural and religious identities can significantly promote to strengthening social unity of the country, society, significantly strengthen the State. In the research, it is noted that consolidating factor here is culture and religion in their attempt to develop a common system of values, which must be based on acceptance of the priority of respectfulness to each person, each ethno-confessional community religious tolerance that provides the definitive approval of the cultural and national identity.


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Питання культурології, теорія та історія культури