Redemption of «museum sins» T.Šola of engineering museology




Томіслав Шола, музейні гріхи, музеологія, музеєзнавство, пам’ятка, інженерна теорія музею, соціокультурне призначення музею, інституційна специфіка музею, інституційна редукція музею, редукція спростування.


Purpose of the article. To reveal the theoretical consequences of the institutional critic of a
museum by T. Šola and to criticize hypothetic theories suggested by this scientist. Methodology.
Criticism by K. Popper. Scientific novelty. Found out, that redemption of «museum sins» requires
institutional suicide of museum. Conclusions. T.Šola had fixed existential crisis of museum, which
appears in «museum sins». Scientist uses reduction of refutation of theory. This refutation based on
disaffection with the practice of some museum institutions (such as complicated explications, fake
apoliticality of museums, inappropriate ethic values, etc.). Refutation based on deductive logic,
which ignored in refutations of Šola. Scientist filled engineering theory of museum with apocalyptic
sense, for the one hand, and another – with ideas of utopian social engineering. Further research
might be related to the investigation of the utilitarian theory of museum (utilitarian museology).
Key words: Tomislav Šola, museum sins, museology, museum studies, museum thing,
engineering theory of museum, social and cultural usage of the museum, institutional specific of the
museum, institutional reduction of the museum, reduction of refutation.


Sola T. Mnemosophy/Heritology – Chapter 6, Public memory institutions and their idealist objective. Academia. URL:

Sola T. Mnemosophy/Heritology. Academia. URL: (дата обращения: 28.09.18).

Руденко С. Б. Музейна пам’ятка: соціокультурна сутність та місце в системі історикокультурних цінностей. Academia. URL: 4. Шола Т. Вечность здесь больше не живет. Толковый словарь музейных грехов. Тула, 2013. 357 с.





Питання культурології, теорія та історія культури