Essential features of actor's transformation


  • Olena Khlystun



акторська трансформація, імітація, актор, творчий акт, сценічні емоції.


The purpose of the article is to determine the main features and peculiarities of the
transformation of an actor on the stage of a creative act. The research methodology consists of
comparative analytical approaches based on works of art history, new and already well-known
psychotechnics for active transformation, which allows determining its common features and
characteristics. Scientific Novelty. The main features and signs of the transformation of an actor on
the stage of a creative act are investigated and identified. The research results can be used for
further scientific research of various aspects of acting and stage art. The main defining aspects and
directions of transformation can be applied by participants directly in creative work and by
teachers in the process of preparing actors. Actual features and signs of transformation give a
serious impetus to rethink the creative activity of the actor in his artistic action. Conclusions.
Analysis of the features of the transformation of an actor in the stage creative process gives
grounds to assert that two signs are clearly reflected in the act of transformation. The actor, first of
all, experiences and feels that he plays the leading role. At the same time, this act also contains
imitation or imitation of the external signs of the characters and his actions. The actor is clearly
aware of and controlling what happens to his inner state in the main role. However, until today the
way of reincarnation remains controversial from external imitation to internal state, or vice versa.
Key words: actor's transformation, imitation, actor, creative act, stage emotions.


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