The educational role of small forms ensembles in the personality development of a beginner singer


  • Lyudmila Larikova



small forms ensembles, beginning singer, educational role, socialization, psychological sphere, personal-physiological sphere, socio-cultural sphere, general educational, musical educational.


The purpose of the article is to review the available literature on this issue; generalize the provisions presented in the found sources; analysis and systematization of these works. The methodology consists of the study and analysis of the vocal-pedagogical and musicological source base, comparison, and generalization of the problem, which allows the formulation of conclusions. The scientific novelty of the article is in the study of the aspect of ensemble singing, namely its educational influence on a beginning singer. The article offers the author’s view on the benefits of ensemble singing and formulates and substantiates its educational potential in the process of becoming both a professional musician and a harmoniously developed personality of the singer. Conclusions. In the process of analysis of existing works the educational impact of the beginning singer’s participation in ensembles of small forms was classified as one that becomes a catalyst of changes in the psychological sphere (intellect, creativity, imagination, memory, attention, etc.), personal-physiological (ability to work, will, purposefulness, physical qualities necessary for vocal creativity) and socio-cultural (singing culture, personality culture, enrichment of musical horizon, spiritual culture, ability to work in a team, feeling part of a team, respect for other team members, etc.). The advantages of ensemble singing in comparison with individual and choral singing are formulated. The educational role of ensembles of small forms on beginner singers is offered in two planes: general educational (this is about of formation of a number of personal and physiological features and qualities which, on the one hand, are directly connected with musical activity, and on the other, are factors of success of any other activity) and musical educational (those qualities that promote to the development of special musical abilities, form specific musical skills).


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