Institute of Church Music as a component of the structure of the Lviv Theological Academy and the Ukrainian Catholic University


  • Mariia Sydir



Institute of Church Music, Ukrainian liturgical music, scientific and musical qualification of the clergy, a culture of church singing.


The purpose of the article is to determine the place and significance of the Institute of Church Music in the structure of the Lviv Theological Academy and the Ukrainian Catholic University. The research methodology consists in applying the retrospective method – to outline the continuity of the principles and goals of the Institute of Church Music as a substructure of the Theological Academy and UCU, cultural and historical – to reveal the peculiarities of its functioning in different socio-political conditions; culturological – to identify aesthetic and stylistic, ideological, semantic, communicative features of the realization of the potential of ICM. The scientific novelty lies in the attempt to comprehensively study the activities of this institution, its structure, areas of performance and research, relationships with other substructures and disciplines of theological and secular music education, the personalities of the teaching staff. Conclusions. The Institute of Church Music has a long history of forming the institution, its structure, goals, and objectives in the system of professional training of the Greek Catholic clergy. Its functions include deepening the professional training of graduates of spiritual centers of education for their practical pastoral work, the prospect of improving the musical component of the church rite; the pedagogical and educational purpose of the clergy; preparation of bases for scientific research of Ukrainian sacred music of different epochs (through accumulation, collecting, copying (reprinting) of old prints and manuscripts, research, editing, publishing and performance of spiritual works).


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