The embodiment of postmodernism categories in the artist’s biography




біографія митця,


The thesis objective is to reveal the specifics of implementing postmodernism categories in the artist’s biography via involving the conceptions of culture theorists. The research methodology: a complex of approaches has been applied for the integral comprehension of the  given issues, i.e. biographical, analytical, historical, hermeneutic, systemic, the one of theoretic generalisation and some others. The scientific novelty. For the first time ever, national humanitarian studies are represented by the thesis identifying the issue of a creative personality’s biography from the position of implementing postmodernism basics. Conclusions. Postmodernism is the artistic and aesthetic trend of the late XX – early XXI centuries being characterized as a unique outlook focused on sociocultural renewal, seeking the progressive ways of spiritual evolution and denying the traditional ideas of art. The aforementioned trend absolutizes anthropological issues, thus, its predominant task is the grasp of the creative personality essence as the driving force of ontological processes. The artist’s biography becomes the central personality-focused genre able to meet the philanthropic needs of the century. Its content, purpose and existence conditions are presupposed by the impact of the basic philosophical categories of the era: pluralism, play, irony, intertextuality and some others. Pluralism is revealed via admitting the truthfulness of multifaceted views, different interpretations of the master’s biography and the multitude of presentation variations depending upon the intellectual and moral level of the audience. The play illustrates the artistic practice sense: freedom, the ability of meanings, contexts, symbols and codes amusement. It deprives the biography of ratiocentrism, excessive seriousness and contributes to the character’s profound representation. Irony is a humanistic definition focused on restoring the master’s genuine essence, though in a non-typical, occasionally frivolous form. This viewpoint renews the image and the personality’s achievements in a multifaceted, emotional, and outrageous way, as well as addresses them to the future generation of the recipients. Intertextuality is the master’s demonstration embracing the writings and semantics of the biographies accomplished by scholars of the preceding eras. A contemporary author multiplies different experiences and provides modern awareness being interpreted from the position of postmodernism paradigm.

Keywords: the artist’s biography, postmodernism, pluralism, play, irony, intertextuality.


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