Artistic practice of technical components of monologue speech of actors




The purpose of the work is to investigate the peculiarities of the verbal means of expression of the actor in one-man shows. The research methodology is based on the application of a set of scientific methods, including systems, analysis, synthesis, as well an art history approach, which allowed to obtain objective results. The scientific novelty of the work lies in the generalization of the theoretical analysis of monologue performances staged on the Ukrainian stage, with an emphasis on the technique of speech expression and its artistic skill in the performance of actors. Conclusions. Various elements of theatrical performance are highlighted. Consideration of theoretical studies of the role of the monogenre in the performing arts, the main means of self-expression of monomart, the triad of this form of theatrical action - text, director, actor. Analysis and classification of narrative models of one-man shows: traditional narrative of a character, literary interpretation, performance in a play, actor as the second "I" of the hero, play-emotion, play-removal, play-memory. Determining the main structural parameters of the actor's stage behavior in a solo performance in a complex relationship of roles, author and character, the degree of acting, reincarnation in the image - the inclusion of plasticity, psychophysical state of the actor, purposeful volitional action, assimilation of various forms of stage space. Based on the analysis of research by scientists and theater critics, certain aspects of the historical development of solo performances, the process of their formation and their popularity in modern theatrical art have been clarified.

Keywords: mono-performances, theatrical speech, acting skills, diction, artistic theatrical practice, acting language.





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