Sensual and Psychosomatic Benefits of Modern Dance: High Heels


  • Oleksiy Pastukhov



The purpose of the article is to analyse the sensual, bodily, and psycho-emotional benefits of contemporary dance on the example of the High heels dance style. The research methodology is based on a comprehensive combination of a number of general scientific methods and approaches integrated from contemporary art history, psychology, and pedagogy. The scientific novelty is to draw attention to the study of contemporary dance in a broad interdisciplinary context, as well as to the study of the contemporary dance style – High heels. Conclusions. High heels dance is a real kind of choreographic art, and therefore it deserves more research attention, as it holds an important reference value that can significantly influence the further development of contemporary dance. It is about the ability to freely express your true feelings, both emotional and bodily. In addition, High heels are one of the styles that allow you to look at the body, physical practices, and, accordingly, at the physical advantages of this or that performer in a different way. Besides, this dance allows you to take a different look at other styles that are included in it and become an interesting practice of complementing them with a new accessory – high heels. The popularity and importance of the High heels dance for the correction of psycho-emotional and physical condition requires the development of a comprehensive teaching methodology, including the expansion of modern choreographic education.

Key words: modern dance, High heels, choreography, sensuality, somatics, body, movement.




