Adaptation of National Traditional Music in Piano Art of China of the Twentieth Century


  • Junyi Liu



The purpose of the study is to describe the ways of influence of the national musical tradition on the piano culture of China. The emphasis is placed on highlighting the most specific components of music - melody, harmony, rhythm, programmatic, and others - as immanent features of the national mentality from the standpoint of the genesis of the twentieth century piano art. The purpose of the study is to highlight the adaptations of traditional Chinese musical culture in piano music to reveal its aesthetic significance and features in the context of the development of the twentieth century piano art. The scientific novelty is that for the first time the ways of influence of the national style on the formation of piano culture are considered from the standpoint of adaptations of specific features within one culture but in the transition from the national-traditional to the author's, composer's space. The research methodology employed cultural-historical and stylistic analysis, as well as hermeneutics and musicological analysis. Through these methods, the study identified that the key factors of the “Chinese style” encompass consistent approaches to composer work, prominently evident in melodic content, rhythmic organisation, harmony, and direct incorporation of timbres from traditional folk instruments. Conclusions. The forms of adaptation of national culture in the piano art of China during the 20th century are evident in various elements of the musical language. These include the distinctive melodic characteristics, particularly the reliance on the pentatonic scale, preservation of rhythmic freedom, and the form structure that incorporates the logical deployment and development of artistic imagery through the programming of the musical work. Additionally, the adaptation is seen in the specific use of timbres resembling authentic musical instruments and their characteristic melodic structures, enriched through the capabilities of the piano.

Key words: cultural influences, Chinese style, piano music, adaptations, traditional music.





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