Greenhouses-Eco-friendly products, Heat stabilization, Accumulation of heat and coldAbstract
The AGROENERGYCOMPLEX (AEC), in which new technology of year-round cultivation and processing of ecologically pure fruit and vegetable raw materials (FVM), is proposed. AEC when implemented in stand-alone greenhouses producing clean (kosher) products – in the changed ground, without the use of mineral fertilizers and synthetic salt mixes hydroponic technology, without watering plants with polluted water, GMO free. AEC grows year – round irrigation of net melt water, lightened be deuterium and sets mode heat - humidity, harvest meets at least 3 times a year.
FOS is sorted and the part that has the subsistence for trade counter "not-selling" look "is directly and im-mediately near the site of" lossless aromatics and palatability - dehydrated by freezing. From juices the 40 ÷ 60% liquid concentrates, dry soluble powders and melt water for beverage production are produced, from the husks of FOS-dry insoluble powders. AEC do not consume "from outside" to grow and for processing of FVM or gas, no electricity, no water, no fuel for cars. Uses only internal resources – rain water, as well as the local water, which cleans itself by freeze-out, daily and seasonal temperature difference between the air and the sun's energy. AEC provides for heating and thermal stabilization of greenhouses, work their own power plants and complex on processing FVM heat accumulators phase transition on the roofs of green-houses and underground heat and cold accumulators. Application of new technology of AEC was reviewed at greenhouses squares 10 and 20 ha with harvest of 2548 and 5860 t FVM /year respectively. AEC are especially suitable for areas distant from the cen-tralized electricity and gas supply and is preferred in areas with extremely continental climate.
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