Dynamics investigation of change of freshness and properties of new types of semi-smoked sausages during storage


  • Ірина Іллівна Маркович Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named. SZ Gzhytsky Street. Pekarska 50 m. Lviv, Ukraine, Ukraine




semi-smoked, sausages, flour, lentils, thyme, juniper, quality, oxidation, lipid, storage


Stable quality of sausages during storage is achieved through improving processes, modes and storage conditions, use of various food additives and antioxidants that will positively affect the inhibition of hydrolytic and oxidative changes in lipids. In production technology of semi- smoked sausages we propose the use of plant material – flour of sprouted and not sprouted lentil, and to lengthen shelf life – thyme and juniper


Author Biography

Ірина Іллівна Маркович, Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology named. SZ Gzhytsky Street. Pekarska 50 m. Lviv, Ukraine

Graduate student

Department of Technology of meat, meat and oil and fat products


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Technical Sciences