Effectiveness of high tech in a competitive economy


  • Наталія Вячеславівна Захарченко Odessa National University name by I.I. Mechnikov. st. Dvoryanskaya, 2, Odessa, Ukraine, 65000, Ukraine




enterprise, high tech, market economy, innovation, competition, choice, efficiency, demand, product, strategy


In the article it is substantiated that work with innovations and its introduction are very risky actions. First of all it’s important precisely to distinguish final efficiency of the project and expense of the enterprise until the project will start to give feedback. According with specificity small high-tech enterprises should show the flexibility and ability to fast reorientation

Author Biography

Наталія Вячеславівна Захарченко, Odessa National University name by I.I. Mechnikov. st. Dvoryanskaya, 2, Odessa, Ukraine, 65000

Candidate of Economy Science, Lecturer

Department of Economics and modeling of market relations


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