Team management as a condition for the implementation of competency management training of future specialists


  • Ірина Іванівна Драч Institute of Management and Psychology University of Management Education NAPS Ukraine Str. Artem, 52-A, Kiev, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



training, competence-based management, principles of pedagogical management, complementary team


The article described the specific features that define the independent status of the competence-based management training of future specialists in the management of educational activities. The use of principles of team in the implementation of a new management paradigm is justified. The advantages of using a matrix organizational structure are characterized

Author Biography

Ірина Іванівна Драч, Institute of Management and Psychology University of Management Education NAPS Ukraine Str. Artem, 52-A, Kiev, Ukraine, 04053

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, associate Professor

deputy director


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Pedagogical Education