The development model of self-educational competence of the head of schools by means of distance education


  • Ірина Ігорівна Хворостенко State higher educational establishment is "University of management of formation" of the National academy of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine 52-А Artem str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053 Kharkiv academy of pedagogical postgraduate education Pushkinskaya st., 24, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61057, Ukraine



modeling, self-educational competence, development model of self-competence, head of schools, distance education


The article describes the development model of self-educational competence of the head of schools by means of distance education in terms of postgraduate education. On the basis of generalization of studied material component models are emphasized and the main components are determined. The basis of our model of development was the competence approach, because if use of competency approach the competencies are seen as a result of education and act as a new type of goal-setting in the design of educational systems

Author Biography

Ірина Ігорівна Хворостенко, State higher educational establishment is "University of management of formation" of the National academy of pedagogical sciences of Ukraine 52-А Artem str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053 Kharkiv academy of pedagogical postgraduate education Pushkinskaya st., 24, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61057

Postgraduate student

Department of Education Management, Economics and Marketing

Methodist informatization and distance education section


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Pedagogical Education