Peculiarities of adaptive and compensatory abilities of the modern pupils
pupils, level of health, adaptive and compensatory mechanismsAbstract
In conditions of an intense functioning of child organism an influence of unfavorable factors can result into breakdown of adaptive and compensatory mechanisms and to become a presupposition for forming pathology.
Aim: to define peculiarities of adaptive and compensatory abilities of school-aged children during the school year.
Methods. 970 children 9-17 years old were examined at the beginning and at the end of school year. Children were divided in 2 groups: I – 673 children with chronic somatic diseases, II – 297 conventionally healthy children.
The study of adaptive and compensatory mechanisms was carried out with a glance to vegetative regulation of body functions. Robinson index (IR) was used for an express-assessment of somatic health. Statistic data-processing was done according to the requirements of evidence-based medicine.
Result. An analysis of an examination results at the beginning of the school year showed that the pupils of the I group have a complex disturbances of vegetative regulation, low level of aerobic abilities of organism. Among the children of the II group no more than 25% have a satisfactory state of adaptive and compensatory mechanisms that ensure an adequate response of child organism on the stress factors of educational process.
At the end of the school year the part of children who have a balanced level of neuroreflex systems of organism decreases by 50%, the number of children with an overstrain of regulatory systems of organism increases by 28%, with unsatisfactory state of adaptive and compensatory mechanisms – by 22% that becomes presupposition for formation and chronization of somatic pathology.
An examination of pupils health level at the end of the school year showed that the number of conventionally healthy children decreases by 19,2%. The syntropy of pathological states formed in 54,2% of pupils with chronic somatic pathology, in 34,5% of children the functional disturbance transformed into somatic pathology.
Conclusion. The definition of indicators of the state of adaptive and compensatory mechanisms and energy potential of organism when medical examination of the school-aged children allows to distinguish the risk group on the subject of formation and chronization pathology opportunely and to carry out prophylactic
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Copyright (c) 2015 Тетяна Володимирівна Фролова, Ольга Володимирівна Охапкіна, Ірина Резівна Сіняєва, Ірина Іванівна Терещенкова, Наталія Федорівна Cтенкова, Олена Володимирівна Атаманова

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