The development of literary competence of future teachers-philologists: conceptual and theoretical aspects


  • Людмила Олександрівна Базиль Postgraduate Education Institute Kyiv University of Borys Hrynchenko 17 Pavlo Tychyna ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 02152, Ukraine



teacher-philologist, literary competence, professional development, professional development of future teachers


The theoretical and conceptual aspects of literary competence of future teacher-philologist are described in the article. It is proved that literary competence as personal and professional phenomenon determines the success of self-affirmation of the teacher of Ukrainian language and literature. Literary competence distinguishes multi-element contents and structure, developing for active living, aimed at the comprehension of literary and artistic phenomena, literary-critical research, research studio, own literary creativity

Author Biography

Людмила Олександрівна Базиль, Postgraduate Education Institute Kyiv University of Borys Hrynchenko 17 Pavlo Tychyna ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 02152

Pedagogical sciences candidate, Associate Professor

Head of the experimental pedagogics and pedagogical innovations research laboratory

Laboratory of the experimental pedagogics and pedagogical innovations research


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