Psychological features of tolerance for interaction with educational process subjects as a component of profession-relevant of heads of secondary educational institutions


  • Олександра Вікторівна Брюховецька University of educational management NAPS of Ukraine 52-a Artema str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053, Ukraine



tolerance for interaction with educational process subjects, tolerance performance for interaction with educational process subjects


The tolerance parameters to the interaction with the subjects of the educational process are characterized. The tolerance level to interaction with the subjects of the educational process by heads of secondary educational institutions and its performance is empirically investigated. The conclusion about necessity of tolerance development to the interaction with the subjects of the educational process as one of the important components of professional tolerance of heads of secondary educational institutions in the system of Postgraduate Education are made

Author Biography

Олександра Вікторівна Брюховецька, University of educational management NAPS of Ukraine 52-a Artema str., Kyiv, Ukraine, 04053

Candidate of psychological sciences, Associate Professor

Department of general and applied psychology



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